With any changes come the identity shift. That persona we once we felt we knew, now leaves us scrambling around in the dark wondering who we are and why we're here.

At 44 I know transitions very well.

That space in-between, the ebb before the flow and the whispers of the void. At these moments there can seem to be a never-ending pause to life being lived fully but as a client reminded me last week “so much is happening beneath the surface”.

I don't write too much about this transition of midlife but I felt an inkling to today as I walked home blown by the wind, surrounded by swishing leaves. I'm basically moving, dancing and falling into my Autumn and this time of year is a mirror for this life phase. I heard the term Queenager the other day by Eleanor Mills and I was like ‘this is IT!’

Transitions - not here, nor there, speak to me about evolvement, moving and being in motion.

Maybe we're always transitioning and there is no destination? but then, every so many years there are the biggies right? The ones that challenge and interrogate every part of our being until we surrender to the shift!

I was reminded of this while chatting in the Dm's with a friend today. That time I flew to canada, leaving a 13 month old at home, signed the deal to a new job and then 1 month later ended my marriage and moved in with my mum. The bravery and the fallout felt like a complete freefall into the unknown.

Transitions, involve a journey to be taken and an honouring of what is. There's a nowness to life and a surrender to what might be.

Now I enter this midlife metamorphosis, it feels like another deeper, down and through.

Through the doorway to life that is calling, a new reality.

I see this as a time of preservation and integration. A time to contemplate, inquire and discern whilst the branches may shake and rattle - a certain stillness, rest and opening required to truly take stock of the woman within.

As you slow down, you notice all the light that shines between the branches, the parts that have returned home, they shimmer with so much gold.

What is serving me during these times?

My Muse, Style Codes and the Vision. My Embodied Soul Style method, the process of inner to outer, the dance and the creating of new shapes on the page of life.

The warmth and strength from knowing myself so deeply that I will not abandon myself.

My deeper understanding of Human Design and my soul blueprint that gives me a safe landing to see myself.

My creative life force that's in full force and wishes to get bigger and bigger now, answering the calls with greater discernment.

Embodying the work that allows me to hold space for other's transitions and transformations.

The internal and external are mirrors of each other and I honour the intention of the field of potential I'm crafting each day, with practice.

It's a potent time on the planet and I know these times of transitions very well. If you're ‘in it’ right now please know that you are not alone.

#sustainable #stylist #midlife #transitions #soulstyle


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